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Tech Talk – FREE digital speaker and networking event

27 April 2023 @ 5:30 pm 7:00 pm BST

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NEW DATE! Biztech is delighted to invite you to the next in our series of Tech Talks:

Using Tech to find the best way forward from Drones to Wayfinding.

With speakers Fredi Nonyelo, CEO and Founder, Briteyellow, and Edward Anastassacos CEO and co-founder, Herotech8.

HEROTECH8 – Edward previously led a number of UK Government’s UAS programmes, managing the UK Drone Pathfinder and the Open UAS Traffic Management initiatives. As an engineer, Edward has worked on guidance, navigation and control systems for spacecraft and unmanned vehicles.

Herotech8 has offices in UK, France and US, with their drones being used across the globe by Border Control, Airport Security, Construction, Police and Emergency Service teams, as well as by Milton Keynes Hospital in a ground breaking trial over 2 days transporting medical supplies across the City.

Briteyellow – Fredi and his Team develop wayfinding applications and sensors that provide real time location data to travellers and customers throughout airports and transit systems, shopping centres and railway services.

He helps businesses better understand how to engage with their customers, and by helping all of us know exactly where we are, and where to go when we need assistance or to find the exit, he makes the world more accessible and improves safety for us all.

It’s all FREE, with food and drink provided.

For any enquiries, please email me Sandra Overbury at Biztech: sandra.overbury@biztech.org.uk

We look forward to seeing you there.

OurTech Talks are FREE to register, open to all and there will be an opportunity to network before the speaker event.


27 April 2023
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm BST
Event Tags:
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Biztech Business & Technology Forum Milton Keynes
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MK:U Innovation Hub

200 Silbury Boulevard, Milton Keynes, MK9 1LT
Milton Keynes, MK9 1LT
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