0845 557 7363 info@biztech.org.uk

What we do


Tech Talks – connecting business and tech communities

Our Tech Talk programme is for business people who want to know how technology can improve their business and help them to flourish – and for members of our tech community keen to better understand the problems faced by businesses and how technology can help.

Our speakers come from all walks of life.  They have included Educators from the Open University and Cranfield University, Entrepreneurs, Business Advisors and Consultants, Marketing Specialists, Engineers and Technologists.

Common amongst them is their position as a leader in their field, a love of innovation and problem solving in business and a keen understanding of the role that technology can play in helping businesses to grow.

To find out more about our recent Tech Talks, please click here.

two tech men looking at computer screens

Tech Consulting & Education – providing advice, support and training

The fast pace of technical advancement provides extensive opportunities for business and technical innovation. However, knowing where to go to get practical information and advice about how businesses can put technology to best use, can be difficult and time consuming. 

With our access to business and technical knowledge, our consulting partnership service provides training, advice and support to business leaders with questions about how to make best use of technology in their business.

Through business engagement, face to face meetings, focus groups and research, we provide business and technical insights,  advice and training so that businesses are equipped and confident to access the latest technical innovations they need in order to succeed.

For Tech startups in particular we provide expert marketing advice and strategies that help to deliver business growth.  To find out more about the marketing support that Biztech can provide please click here.  And to find out about strategies for business growth please click here.

group celebrating business award

Tech Awards – celebrating technology and innovation

Our annual Tech awards celebrate technology and innovation within the region. It is our opportunity to showcase local innovation, support local SMEs,  start-ups and scale-ups.

The event provides a platform to recognise emerging new technologies, tech and business innovators and entrepreneurs. The nominees and winners of our Tech Awards are provided with a unique opportunity to market and network with industry leaders and attract support and funding from influential sources from across the community.

Whether you are a student or an academic who’s had a ground breaking digital idea, or a start-up that has pioneered a tech-based idea with a transformational real-world application, we can help you shine!