Our Biztech awards for our CustomServe technology have supported us win many contracts, and have helped us build our credibility in our marketplace. In a competitive marketplace it’s really important to be able to stand out from the crowd – and that’s where Biztech comes in – recognising outstanding companies, products and services in the Milton Keynes business eco-system.
Listed below is one of the contracts we won.
Our client, a large, national law firm operates across the UK and is a member of an international law firm alliance facilitating legal services to clients internationally. The firm has a strategic focus on service quality, collaboration with clients, and putting clients’ needs at the heart of their business strategy, and holds several internationally recognised standards for quality and information security.
This case study describes how we supported the firm using our CustomServe technology to carry out multiple client listening conversations, to allow a significant ramping up of client feedback within the firm and used the information collected to guide the firm’s business strategy.
Desired Outcomes
- Increase the amount of insight gathered.
- Find a practical way to collate and analyse insights.
- Inform client service and client engagement strategies.
- Identifying the need.
The firm’s primary objective was to gather more regular client insight to develop its client service and client engagement strategies. It was important for them to retain control of and to facilitate in-person and telephone interviews undertaken by their partners and staff.
Creating the Solution
We worked collaboratively with the firm to develop a deep understanding of how their client insight programme would support their objectives, and what would be required to evaluate the success of the firm’s strategic plan.
The key elements of the programme included:
- Creating an enhanced client listening programme gathering regular client insight.
- Developing capabilities to undertake interviews via a combination of in-person, telephone and web surveys using a consistent approach.
- Preparing a ‘discussion guide’ to guide partners and staff involved in the interviewing process.
- Developing staff and partner confidence and skills in undertaking client feedback interviews.
- Collating client feedback content in a central client feedback repository – CustomServe Teams.
- Identifying strengths that the firm could promote in sales and marketing.
- Gaining learning points that could be shared with client teams.
The firm has now successfully embedded client listening as part of everyday service delivery and plans to extend the scope of the programme by adding further interview topics and including more clients into the programme.