0845 557 7363 info@biztech.org.uk

As the leading tech forum of Milton Keynes, Biztech is dedicated to developing a highly-skilled digital network in the region. And we aim to do so by collaborating with key digital and tech players of the region, including educational institutions, businesses, and other associated groups, to develop opportunities that help local businesses improve their digital expertise. With the change in workplace culture brought on by the pandemic, several businesses are struggling to bridge the digital skills gap and adopt the latest technology in their organisation. Since technology and digital trends are constantly evolving due to the changing needs of the people, businesses need to stay ahead of the curve, identify and adopt the most relevant trends before their competitors to ensure steady and successful business growth. And the only way to do that is by training employees in the latest digital and technological skills so they can deliver the best results and customer service.

Biztech SkillsHub:MK Collaboration

As part of our ongoing efforts towards developing a digitally sound business community in Milton Keynes, we are teaming up with MK College for their brilliant initiative – SkillsHub:MK. It is an excellent opportunity for local businesses wanting to enhance their teams’ digital skills, as they will get a chance to participate in FREE events and workshops that will help employees gain a deeper understanding of the latest digital trends.

Scanning the Digital Horizon

The first event organised by Biztech will be held online on Thursday, the 3rd of March 2022 at 17:00 and will involve the Open University. It is one of the leading educational institutions in the region that has transformed the way educational courses and training programmes are designed and delivered. The OU is well-placed to understand and identify the direction of travel of the latest technological and digital innovations.

In this event, businesses can take part and learn about the process followed by the OU that allows it to design its highly-valuable Management and Apprenticeship programmes, educate a good proportion of the UK’s workforce, and equip them for the jobs of tomorrow. It will highlight important issues and involve discussions on ways to scan the digital horizon and recognise the digital technology trends of the future from an educator’s view. 

The event will be the first in the three events planned by Biztech to map out the whole journey of identifying, learning, and implementing digital technology as a business. You can reserve a spot for yourself by booking a FREE ticket here and taking the first step towards making your business digitally and technologically sound.